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Build it and they will come…

In the 1989 film field of dreams, Kevin Costner’s character hears a voice saying “build it and they will come” this inspires him to build a baseball diamond in one of his fields and the Boston White Sox come…

Fast forward to business in the 21st Century, many business folk – particularly in the coaching and therapy world seem to think that by building a webpage, posting some inspirational quotes on Facebook and joining as many groups as possible on linked in that they will have a deluge of free willing to buy clients popping up wanting their services.

This NEVER happens!

Websites and social media are valuable assets in your journey to pre-eminence, but they are not what will get you there. There are a whole raft of reasons why not, too many for this short post. What does work however, is a commitment to providing first rate, usable, intelligent content and building dialogue with your potential clients. You do this by knowing who they are, and what they want or need. Don’t be fooled though, you can’t just ask them. If they really knew what they wanted they wouldn’t need you!

Too often Marketers and Brand Specialists and Copy Writers will tell you that if you have just the right copy placed in just the right places with just the right look, your business will EXPLODE into growth beyond measure… WHAT A CROCK!

People are generally turned off by this sanitised approach, they want to see the real you, the value ONLY you can bring to the table and most of all they want to KNOW you mean what you say.

So, forget all the fancy language, the pretty pictures, the false hope and start standing up and standing out with good quality useable content. It doesn’t have to be pretty, it has to be useful, relevant and authentic!