Pete gave me the structure and inspiration I needed to greatly enhance my life.
I wish I had gone to him a year earlier, in a funny way not taking action has cost me money.
Pete has a very nice way of working, he is consistently encouraging and gave me courage to make change.
I came to Pete just to give a session a try, but the time he spent with me was well worth it.
In just the first session I learnt to prioritise my life into areas that are important to me, indeed I organised in my own mind what was important to me.
That skill is something that will stay with me forever. I can certainly recommend Pete, great empathy, confidential and a super motivator.
A big THANKS for everything you’ve done for me and my family.
You were instrumental in forging our bright future, and if it were not for you I wouldn’t have had the courage to take this step.
It has been a wonderful learning experience and generally I am feeling calmer.
Thank you again for sharing your expertise, your kindness and sense of humour.
It was extremely helpful in looking at my strengths and highlighting all my relevant experience and skills for tomorrow’s interviews. It also confirmed that both roles are motivating and highly relevant to my experience ( and which I want to do most ) but also helped me to be more pragmatic about tomorrow’s process and outcomes as I still have 9 months to work in a role which is going well.
The session was very practical , insightful and supportive and I came out with a number of practical actions to help me prepare and perform effectively tomorrow.
It has enabled me to gain a more balanced perspective on what is happening and see it in a much more positive light ( i.e. I am consistently being shortlisted for very good/ interesting roles as well as functioning well and obtaining very good additional experience in my current role) so that my confidence in my ability, knowledge and experience is more fully restored and can be more effectively conveyed.
Hopefully this will stand me in good stead tomorrow and indeed for continuing in my role and making the best of all the ongoing opportunities and job satisfaction that this is providing
As an accountant and business adviser, much of the value I give to my clients depends on how well I communicate information to them. Tax, in particular, is a very complicated matter and Pete showed me that it is vital to work out the best way to help clients understand the information being presented to him.
Using the techniques that Pete taught me has made a real difference to my business and led to improved client satisfaction.
Working under the guidance of Peter Bryceland has enabled me to understand the nature of Thought affecting positive changes in response, behaviour and communication from a personal, social and professional perspective.
Exploring further understanding and awareness of the subconscious thought processes and the forms they take (modality and submodality, linguistics, sublinguialics and body language) allowed me to operate on a conscious level to bring about positive changes and promote fulfilment in all spheres.
In addition, by adapting to other peoples modalities and submodalities, I can now establish more meaningful and deeper connections with everyone and affect change in others. (and therefore my self)
In short, Peter Bryceland had equipped me with the tools to assimilate and replace un-useful thinking and behaviours; to empower and optimise my Self on a personal, social and professional level throughout my life.
Quite literally, Peter Bryceland is a Life Changer.
Pete is a trustworthy and very generous individual who gives the full benefit of his knowledge and expertise to those he works with in a kind and caring way . He is a good listener , has a gentle calm friendly approach and a sense of humour all of which is appealing .
Pete is keen to offer you the best service he can to ensure you get the best results in your life .
Pete has coached me for a period of 6 months, in which we connected through Zoom every 2 weeks.
And who am I? I help people thrive at work & in life, and I do this through both through my coaching practice (1 day/week), and through my work as training manager in a larger company (4d/week).
I approached Pete, with an intent that was different from how I usually approach training or coaching – this time I had no particular “end result” in mind. This time, I was looking for someone who I could connect with regularly and frequently, to check my ideas, brainstorm, vent, etc. But I wanted that ‘someone’ to be grounded in the 3 principles, as I wasn’t looking for techniques/strategies/etc, but for someone who could gently lead me back to seeing what was really going on.
Looking back, this is what ‘happened’ along the way, as a result of seeing truth a bit deeper, again, and again, and again:
- I had 3 clients back then, and I had about 1 client session a week; Now, I have 6 clients, and I have 3 to 4 client sessions per week.
- (Potential) clients are now reaching out to me, instead of the other way around
- I can now tell people what I do without feeling nervous about it, and without having anything on it
- I’ve written more articles than I had before I got coached by Pete, and although I’ve realized it’s not really my ‘thing’, people now start asking me when I’ll post a next one…
- I’ve completely changed the way I think about ‘my life goal’ – it used to be “build a coaching practice that I can fill for 5d/week” (but I wasn’t necessarily inspired by this goal, I just thought as a coach that’s what my goal ‘should be’)- now my goal is: have FUN, CONNECT, and have IMPACT. Which is sth that really lights me up, AND it turns out I’m already doing that today! Weird, I know, to have a goal that I’m actually ‘achieving’ already every day – I assumed a goal was always sth to reach in the future…. but I know realise at a deeper level, that there really only is “now”.
- I could go on and on about things that have shifted for me, but I’m going to keep it at this.
Just 1 last thought: if you’re looking for a very good listener, someone who’s only goal is to support you, someone who ‘sees’ through your story and talks to the actual matter at hand, I highly recommend you have a chat with Pete, and find out for yourself.
If you were thinking of using a coach I would say Go For It!
It's fun, you will learn a lot about yourself and others, you will deal with things differently.
Pete is an excellent Coach, it's been real fun and exciting all the way through even when you push that boundary you will feel better...