Ready to take yourself to the next level? Contact me today
Catherine Herssens

Pete has coached me for a period of 6 months, in which we connected through Zoom every 2 weeks.
And who am I? I help people thrive at work & in life, and I do this through both through my coaching practice (1 day/week), and through my work as training manager in a larger company (4d/week).
I approached Pete, with an intent that was different from how I usually approach training or coaching – this time I had no particular “end result” in mind. This time, I was looking for someone who I could connect with regularly and frequently, to check my ideas, brainstorm, vent, etc. But I wanted that ‘someone’ to be grounded in the 3 principles, as I wasn’t looking for techniques/strategies/etc, but for someone who could gently lead me back to seeing what was really going on.
Looking back, this is what ‘happened’ along the way, as a result of seeing truth a bit deeper, again, and again, and again:
– I had 3 clients back then, and I had about 1 client session a week; Now, I have 6 clients, and I have 3 to 4 client sessions per week.
– (Potential) clients are now reaching out to me, instead of the other way around
– I can now tell people what I do without feeling nervous about it, and without having anything on it
– I’ve written more articles than I had before I got coached by Pete, and although I’ve realized it’s not really my ‘thing’, people now start asking me when I’ll post a next one…
– I’ve completely changed the way I think about ‘my life goal’ – it used to be “build a coaching practice that I can fill for 5d/week” (but I wasn’t necessarily inspired by this goal, I just thought as a coach that’s what my goal ‘should be’)- now my goal is: have FUN, CONNECT, and have IMPACT. Which is sth that really lights me up, AND it turns out I’m already doing that today! Weird, I know, to have a goal that I’m actually ‘achieving’ already every day – I assumed a goal was always sth to reach in the future…. but I know realise at a deeper level, that there really only is “now”.
– I could go on and on about things that have shifted for me, but I’m going to keep it at this.
Just 1 last thought: if you’re looking for a very good listener, someone who’s only goal is to support you, someone who ‘sees’ through your story and talks to the actual matter at hand, I highly recommend you have a chat with Pete, and find out for yourself.