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It was extremely helpful in looking at my strengths and highlighting all my relevant experience and skills for tomorrow’s interviews. It also confirmed that both roles are motivating and highly relevant to my experience ( and which I want to do most ) but also helped me to be more pragmatic about tomorrow’s process and outcomes as I still have 9 months to work in a role which is going well.

The session was very practical , insightful and supportive and I came out with a number of practical actions to help me prepare and perform effectively tomorrow.
It has enabled me to gain a more balanced perspective on what is happening and see it in a much more positive light ( i.e. I am consistently being shortlisted for very good/ interesting roles as well as functioning well and obtaining very good additional experience in my current role) so that my confidence in my ability, knowledge and experience is more fully restored and can be more effectively conveyed.

Hopefully this will stand me in good stead tomorrow and indeed for continuing in my role and making the best of all the ongoing opportunities and job satisfaction that this is providing